Become a Pagimate Associate
Pagimate has been developed to help authors grow their audience - and you can help us help them and be rewarded too by becoming an Associate on our affiliate scheme!Apply to join us and start on our programme today
Setting up your account
Complete the form below and submit your information – if you’re successful, your account will be set up automatically with a dashboard so that you can see all your activity
Earn recurring commissions for your authors
You’ll earn recurring 30% commissions on the subscriptions paid by the authors you sign up who publish their websites with Pagimate
It’s a win for you and a win for them – Pagimate’s easy author websites are a simple low-cost solution for the number 1 Marketing Tool that every author should have
Our Community
Pagimate is also about community – authors are stronger when they work together and our Writers Hub will help create a morer successful place for authors to thrive
Join our team and of happy pagimates
Ready to Sign Up?
Complete the form below to let us know that you’re ready to start inviting authors to Pagimate!
Talks to us and watch a live website design
free one-to-one tutorial
These sessions are available hourly, 1pm to 6pm Wednesday afternoons (BST) and Friday 9am to Noon (BST). We will guide you personally through the set up of a website on Pagimate and talk you through why becoming an Associate helps you – and your author friends!
Become a Pagimate Design Associate
If you’re a freelance designer, why not join us as an Associate and benefit from the design services we offer our clients – plus earning commissions for the customers you sign up.
Pagimate requires NO CODING and is focused on design style and colour.
We have a simple package of design options for our customers, plus additional services such as photographic or graphic image styling, book cover design and more. You will earn:
– 70% of all design services purchased through our system
– 30% of subscription income from you authors on a recurring basis.
As a badge carrying Approved Pagimate Designer, you’ll benefit from customers we sign up – and customers you bring to us.

Become a Pagimate Marketing Associate
Are you an avid reader? Perhaps a book blogger, reviewer or influencer or you work with authors to promote their books? Then our Pagimate Marketing scheme might be a great way to increase your income by simply recommending our super new service designed just for authors.
We’ll provide you with marketing tools and information for you to introduce authors through our affiliate scheme – and when they subscribe to our system, you will earn a 30% commission as a recurring income.
Every author needs a website – and this is the simplest, easiest way for them to create one, using a system that’s been designed just for the writing community.
Check out our 5 reasons why below – and sign up to join our happy team!

5 reasons why an author website is so important
Almost every advisory resource for writers will tell you that the number 1 marketing need for an author, is a website. But why? Here are five good reasons .
The Number 1 Reason - Know Your Customers!
Authors spend months, maybe years, writing their books – and then add it to Amazon and other retailers and etailers – and then what?
They spend huge amounts of time and effort trying to get friends, family and anyone you can get through to on social media, to their stores. And then who knows who your readers are? THEY DO!
To have any chance of building sales and reader connections authors need to start by building a presence and connections through a website and mailing list.
Create a Presence That's Just About You and Your Books
In any other setting, whether it’s Social Media, Store profiles, or information sites, you are surrounded by constant feeds of information about other people and products – on your website, everything is about you and your books – and that’s what your readers need to see. You, your works and your news all in one place.
Build Direct Reader Relationships
Email and websites are the most powerful and effective way to communicate witth your readers – direct email contact is at least 40x more effective in engaging reader response and action than Social Media. Of course you need to keep the social going too, but you’ll get more direct reaction – and action – from readers through your website!
Develop Your Author Brand
With your own website and reader contact process you have control over everything – how your name is presented, your design and colours, your promotions and products what you want your readers to know and when.
Being a successful author these days means keeping your readers in touch with your publications and making sure you are in their minds when they go to buy a book.
Open Up New Opportunities
Your book is just the start of your storytelling journey. It’s a huge achievement and puts you amongst a small and special group of people in the world – and it could open up new opportunities for you. Through products, people, communities and other ways of telling your story. Those opportunities come through direct connection with others. And that’s what Pagimate is here to help you do.
Signing up for Pagimate is easy for your authors
Three simple ways to start creating a beautiful website
You don’t need to register to play with the demo. It will allow you to view and try out the design tools so you can get a taste of how easy it is – but your changes won’t be saved.
Register and set up your account and you will be able to play with the system, and even fully design your site FREE. When you’re happy with your site you can publish and select the best plan to suit your needs.
Get started right away! Select a plan that works for you. We have a
When they’re gone they’re gone, so get the best deal now!