It wasn't supposed to happen....
Rachel and Frankie find an idyllic cottage off the beaten track in a pretty English village and fall in love with it... their dream home. Or is it?
As they settle into the charming property that stole their hearts, strange things begin to happen. There's an uncommon interest in them but the village people are also secretive and mysterious.
As Frankie heads off to work in London, Rachel's curiosity gets the better of her. Drawn into the villager's web, she finds herself out of her depth. What lies beneath the surface, could turn the dream into a nightmare...
When Eddie first left England it wasn't by choice. His tyrannical father pushed him away and his escape to the United States and the fame and fortune of Hollywood could never erase his tortuous childhood.
When an unexpected break in his career gives him the opportunity to return, he finds a way to make peace with his past and heal some of the pain caused by his father. But at what cost?
Determined to be a local hero and put the Hetherington back on its feet, he cannot resist the chance to exploit a discovery that gives him a level of control and power that he could never have dreamed of. A secret recipe with dangerous properties...
As he settles into the newly restored manor with his firey Italian wife, the hedonism of his LA days pales in comparison to the wild freedoms in a village where he becomes Lord and Master of it all.
When Eddie rescues Countess Donnatella Marchione from the clutches of an unscrupulous brutal Italian nobleman, he is her knight in shining armour.
But when they leave the bubble of the magical villa in Portofino, she also leaves behind her heritage and her status. At first, the shiny glamour of Hollywood keeps her regrets at bay, after all, she's married one of the most successful Directors in LA. That soon comes at a price she's not prepared too pay. Jealousy sets in. Having a baby makes things worse as Eddie is more devoted to his daughter than her.
Then he ships them to grey, cold England; a remote village that couldn't be further from the glamour of her past. Now Donna's passion is for bitter revenge...
Doctor Taylor is sexy, gorgeous, intelligent and powerful, according to herself. She's also a megalomanic bitch, according to pretty much anyone who's ever met her.
But why?
Well here is where you find out how the child of a respected Doctor and a Spanish bullfighter ended up with a cruella streak.
If you're one of her patients, after you've read this, you might want to get a second opinion on that medication you're taking...
Former chicken farmer and now Master of the Village Club, Adrian has been a player all his life, a legend in his own lunchtime with a reputation to maintain. From his combover right down to his cuban heals, he's all man, a motorcycle leather stud.
But his playing days may soon be over. Adrian is in love and he wants to tie the knot. He'll do anything to bag his bride. Even if it brings him to his replacement knees.
Will his past catch up with him before he can secure his dream future? Only the postmistress knows...
Theresa is the power in the village. For now.
She knows more about everyone than anyone else - and there are secrets she could tell that would curl your toes
She's got something on everyone. But when the incomers arrive and undermine her authority and threaten her network of corruption, her empire starts to crumble.
She has to make moves to protect her interests. What lengths is she prepared to go to?
What would you find if you could see beneath the cassock?
The Vicar is a mystery. He keeps pet goats, wanders the village in his flowing robes, like a dark ghost. But when and where does he give his sermons? The church is boarded up and the vicarage is out of bounds.
Better ask the Postmistress who takes a walk with him most mornings across the misty fields.
Wealthy, beautiful, privileged, the daughter of a successful movie Director who is Lord of the Manor and an Italian Countess with a heritage to be envied. Lisa's the girl who has everything, right?
But scratch beneath the surface, dig a little into her past and you find that Daddy's Angel has been to places and seen things that others only experience in their nightmares. If anyone knows the dirty secrets behind Hetherington's pretty village facade it's Lisa.
The tragedy is, she doesn't know how broken she is. Until the incomers arrive...
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For Peters, being in the background is second nature. Blend in, stay quiet, don't draw attention. But though she may be the silent observer, she sees everything and she is strong.
Where does she come from, what has her life been until now? She knows more about the past of the Lord of the Manor than anybody knows. And she fears he may have inherited ugly traits; that there is something dangerous inside him.
She'll always be there for him, but she's also there to shield the innocent from the damage he might do. Especially to Lisa.
British by birth but now living in Spain I've been involved with storytelling for thirty years, including publishing, TV and music.
This story is a part of my past and like most writers, it has elements of truth mixed with a lot of fiction until the distinction between them becomes blurred.
Like life, the books are sometimes tragic, often dark, but with shards of light and sprinklings of (often twisted) humour that hopefully bring interest and mystery to the journey.
Most of all Hetherington is about love and honesty and living life as openly as you can as who you really are. That way lies happiness.
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